Wellness & Therapy

Improving health and quality of life

Patients in Aquafit class

People with complex and ongoing health problems need help from time to time to maintain or improve their health and quality of life. West Park Healthcare Centre provides a variety of rehabilitation and wellness services to the community.

West Park Rehab Plus rehabilitation and wellness clinic

West Park Rehab Plus is an on-site outpatient rehabilitation and wellness clinic providing integrated, multi-disciplinary and collaborative treatment within one facility. It provides results-oriented care through appropriate, timely and personalized treatments specific to patients’ individual therapeutic needs.

Click here to visit the Rehab Plus microsite.

Other services include:

Out-patient Clinics and Services (Outpatient)
Wellness & Therapy
Out-patient clinics for people who live in the community View
Sleep Laboratory (Outpatient)
Lungs and Breathing | Wellness & Therapy
Specializing in studies on individuals with respiratory, cardiovascular or neurological conditions. View
Specialty Clinics (Outpatient)
Wellness & Therapy
Clinics for West Park out-patients. View